Who we are
Our mission is to...
KNOW Jesus, GROW as disciples, & GO teach others.

Our STory
In 2019, Cabool Christian Church celebrated its 125th anniversary. Our church boasts a rich history in our community. United States President Abraham Lincoln signed the original deed for the property on December 4, 1864. A fire in 1927 destroyed records of the church, but it is known that in 1887 Adam S. Wright evangelized in the community, converting twelve persons, and under the leadership of W.P. Hale the church was formally organized in 1893 with sixteen members.
Since then, there have been at least three Christian Church buildings in Cabool. The first was a white wood frame building facing Pine Street. In 1929, a Spanish-style stucco building was erected, also facing Pine Street. Finally, in 1970 the present Christian Church building as dedicated. The church proudly houses the beautiful stained glass rose window, a generous gift from a member at the time the former church was built.
Cabool Christian Church continues to diligently serve this community by having a vibrant children’s and student ministry program, offering support to those in need, and partnering with the local schools to provide assistance to students and their families. Above all, we seek to honor Jesus through prayer and the study of the Bible.
As a fledgling nation, America attracted people who sought a new life. They came from their old countries and packed their religious experience along with their possessions. Members of established denominations like Catholics, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Methodists and Baptists brought their church doctrines, structure, practices, and disagreements with them.
In the early 1800’s church leaders like Barton W. Stone, Thomas Campbell, and Alexander Campbell rejected their ties to established denominations and rallied around the idea of church unity. They believed that Jesus and His Word should be all that is necessary to carry out His mission for the church. As they taught these ideas, churches sprang up all over the young nation. These churches used Scripture rather than creeds as the basis for faith, church organization, and mission. In short, these churches sought to restore Christianity to what it was in the New Testament and not what it had become in modern denominationalism.
People responded with enthusiasm as they heard simple truths taught directly from the Bible. The churches, now called Christian Churches or Churches of Christ, grew rapidly across the nation. Simple mottos expressed the approach that the Restoration Movement embraced.
No Creed by Christ; no book but the Bible.
Where the Scriptures speak, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent.
In essentials, unity; in opinions, liberty; in all things, love.
We’re not the only Christians, but we’re Christians only.
Throughout the next two centuries, the churches continued to grow, though not without challenges. Two groups of churches formed their own fellowship, leaving the Restoration Movement with three traditions. The Churches of Christ (non-instrumental), the Christian Churches (of which CCC is a part), and the Disciples of Christ all trace their roots to the Restoration Movement.
Christian Churches today form a strong brotherhood of churches around the globe. We continue to grow as a movement as we share the message of Christ with a lost world. While each Christian Church is an independent local church with local elders, we also use organizations to accomplish tasks greater than what one church can do. As a brotherhood we have conventions, colleges, publishing houses, and mission organizations that serve the churches. Our goal remains the same as those who preached on the frontier two centuries ago—to shine the light of the gospel into a dark world.